Monday, August 3, 2015

My One Stop Ukulele Tune

Have you ever listened to a song and you're like wooshing back to a certain part of your memory? I bet you already have that kind of moment, too.

If the first song I heard wasn't "A Love Beach, Sadranan," I would probably go far beyond on the band name-guessing game. Sadranan beach is located in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. It does justice to the beach, it was so original, something I don't know our local bands have -- which later I realized I did underestimate. For me personally, the beach kinda feels much more special ever since there's a song named after it. I had been there before and I had a grrrreat time! Great time+awesome tribute song. And of course - the ukulele??! One of the best music inventions in the world. It produces unique melodies I reaallyy adore. The ukulele gives me that breezy - beachy feeling, like there's wind twirling around me as I'm sitting under an imaginary coconut tree with a bunch of friends. Jamming to a song we don't even know!!! 

Second song I heard, "Hills of Rabbit Face," is magical!! Truly magical. Once I got to the beginning of the song, my thought went to the mysterious tea-party Alice in Wonderland attends. The Chessire grinning Cat. Mad Hatter. Tweedledee/Tweedledum. Blue Caterpillar. The journey thru the hole. Every detailed thing in the wonderland. The song has succeed since the very beginning. I think I won't ever get bored to the song, I'm just gonna create other magical stories with it. 

I sometimes just go to their Soundcloud and find more cool tunes. "I Just Need To Know Your Name" is a sweet love song for a falling in love situation. The lyric is not as metaphorical as their songs used to be, and it's a good thing. Their lyrics are never exaggerating. 

Let's support them, let's support Answer Sheet.

Friday, July 3, 2015

To die by your side, is such a heavenly way to die -- The Smiths

Semua orang pasti punya satu (atau beberapa) referensi yang selalu ia gunakan sehari-harinya. Bisa diambil dari film, buku, musik, dan dari sumber-sumber lainnya. Misalnya karena baru nonton film Begin Again, jadi pengen bawa headset splitter + 2 headsets kemanapun -- in case ketemu stranger yang bisa sesuka hati diajak dengerin musik sambil jalan-jalan tanpa tujuan. Atau, jadi punya moto hidup baru habis dengerin lagu Fidelity-nya Regina Spektor. 

Dan sekarang saya ingin menulis film favorit yang jadi referensi saya dalam banyak hal. Judulnya (500) Days of Summer. 

Pertama kali nonton film ini (kayanya) jaman-jaman masih SMA. Tapi dulu itu jujur rada pusing alias ga ngerti sama jalan ceritanya, padahal dibilang kompleks juga ngga juga sih.. Apa pusing liat Gordon-Levitt nya ya (?). Relationship di film ini sederhana, tapi complicated (?). Summer punya cara pandang yang semaunya sendiri -- menurut saya waktu itu.

Kelarnya hubungan mereka pun jadi pertanyaan. Kayanya sampe nonton film ini 2-3 kali biar paham. Dari ekspektasi awal yang bakal suka kisahnya, saya malah kagum berat sama sinematografinya. Soundtracknya. Kata-katanya. Hampir tiap scene bawaannya pengen diprintscreen. Kamar chalkboard. Tato gambar gedung. Adegan di lift. The Smiths. Cute IKEA date - which changed my opinion about IKEA forever (yang mungkin kalo suatu hari ke IKEA, bakal ketawa sendiri kalo ketemu chinese family). Ngomongin Ringo Starr di toko piringan hitam. Relationship goal: fulfilled. Sangat suka juga sama trivia-trivianya; betapa artwork penanda hari punya warna yang berbeda-beda, tergantung suasana hubungan Tom dan Summer, betapa baju yang dipakai Summer sengaja dipilih warna yang bisa nonjolin warna matanya, betapa lagu Sweet Disposition dipakai jadi latar belakang yang sungguh pas, betapa sutradara film ini adalah Marc Webb.

Sekarang, setelah nonton film ini lagi, dimana posisinya sekarang udah jadi a more mature person, I could relate more of its story to my life, and I could say.. it's quite related kajskdjksjdh. Keyboard Smash. There might always be a Summer and Tom in ourselves. 

Monday, May 4, 2015

Seek and Ye Shall Find!

I read this book with racing adrenaline -- started slowly, but as the story went on and on I couldn't handle my excitement.
"Seek and ye shall find"
My biased overlook on Tom Hanks' role as Robert Langdon might affect why I enjoyed all those long historical explanations throughtout the book, yes, I really think he suits the character really well. Whenever Dan Brown mentioned Langdon's physical descriptions, I think of Hanks. Vice versa. 

I really lost deeply into Dan Brown's sophisticated knowledges about history and obviously, Dante. I heard that name a lot, Dante, Dante, Dante.. The more I read the book, the more I got interested studying Dante and all his works, his poems. How his writings gave such big impacts to other human beings. How his theories inspired a lot of arts. How he gained all the appreciations for his thoughts and the way he saw the world -- or must I say.. Hell?


Inferno brought me to a nightmare, I was forced to think about the terrifying over-populated world. It never even crossed my mind. From the graph bellow, we could see how the population curved, how it multiplied way much during 1000-2000 C. I know it's confusing, it gave me a second thought about the cause. The explanation given made me kinda taking the dark - villain side, once. Crazy as it sounds, I was between dillemas. Totally had no idea how Dan Brown would end this book.

Well I won't say anymore about the plot since I myself hate spoillers. My further description might bother the thrilling parts. Inferno also brought me to magnificent places -- Florence, Venice and Istanbul. Venice is a perfect metaphor choice for the over-population crisis thing. This book told a lot about the cities' historical buildings, anything related to Dante. The descriptions were beyond my expectations, they were all very detailed-written. Dan Brown must've had a very deep and toughtful research about all of these, I really am a fan. It's uh-ma-zing.

Overall, it's really my kind of book. The book I immediately wanna know how it ends but also feels sad leaving it, haha. Dan Brown guaranteed all of us surprises -- yep you'll see a lot of surprises.. Yesterday I also googled about the movie which has just started filming 6 days a go.. absolutely gonna take a long time. Rumored, it will be released on October 2016. From what I've seen, the one playing Sienna looks attractive and has beauty qualities as well as I imagined, but why didn't I see blonde hair? Isn't Sienna blonde? And the one portraying Dr. Sinskey looks fits in too, though I haven't seen her silver hair. Whatever, I'm looking forward for anything related to Inferno.

Cheers to the ancient conspiracy puzzle lover, the Mickey Mouse - watch clad professor.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Good Coincidences

Blackbird - The Beatles 

I just thought about one song and now it's swaying in my ears. This song is quite something to me. Everytime i hear it, my mind travels somewhere irrelevant. Maybe i'm simply reminded by Cam's - Cameron Mitchell - soothing voice and his weird new haircut I like?

And frankly, Cam really reminds me of my favorite local band's bassist. His name is Coki - though I believe it's not his real name. I didn't talk much with him, but I like him. I like how he treated my Mom. As long as I know, he's that polite, though once again I was not that close to him. I know the rest of the band and I'm not having any close relationship with anyone, but I like them all that much. I love them, I'm still listening to their music till this very second of my life.

Too bad that I have no idea where they are. I know I would have a hard time finding something to talk about if we really had the chance to meet up, but I just wanna thank them for all those good times. Thanks for the sudden visit to the hospital, it really did strengthen me. Gave me big courages, more than they could've ever imagined.